SeeMeHired Insights
Automate HR with Our Top Features

It’s been just over a year since the global pandemic hit us and multiple lockdowns were imposed. Businesses around the world (including ours) moved from a predominantly office-based setup to remote working in a matter of days.
So the last 12 months were unusual, to say the least. This is why we’re proud to have launched more than 150 feature updates and close to 3,000 overall improvements to the SeeMeHired platform during this time.
Today we’ll take a look at our top features from the past 1 year. This is our selection of the best new functions we’ve introduced to help you streamline recruiting with SeeMeHired.
Ready? Let’s go.
Video Interviews
We finally covered all stages of hiring by introducing video interviews directly within the SeeMeHired platform. This means you can now source, engage, interview, and hire candidates in one place.
So if you used to rely on (and pay for) multiple third-party tools for scheduling and video conferencing, this update made a lot of this extra hassle obsolete.
Register Interest
If you’re planning to introduce a new role but you’re not yet ready to hire, you can still add a position to SeeMeHired. The Register Interest feature allows candidates to, well, register their interest for a role even before it becomes available.
This way, they get notified when the live job becomes available. On the employer side, you get to build a list of potential candidates in advance, reducing the overall time to hire.
Candidates can see jobs they are a good match for under the Register Interest view.
Advanced Shortlisting
To calculate a candidate's overall application score, the weighted average from five categories is computed. Advanced shortlisting allows you to change the individual weight of each category.
For example, if you're hiring for an entry level position and want to train the new employee, you can reduce the weight of the "Skills" category in favour of the "Questions" category. This will bump up candidates that perform well in interviews despite lacking experience or certain skills.
Job Templates
Instead of starting each job post from scratch, you can now create Templates. These allow you to re-use and edit job posts, saving you the time and effort to populate each individual field.
Templates are super easy to create and your whole team can use them once they are set up.
Built-in Job Distribution
Now you can get your role on both free or premium job boards directly from SeeMeHired. Instead of setting up job boards manually, the built-in job distribution allows you to advertise new roles automatically.
This not only brings in more exposure and applicants but also saves you time manually creating and managing individual listings on websites like Adzuna, Neuvoo or Monster.
Candidate Skills
Candidates can now add skills to their profile, choosing from a huge library of pre-set skills in areas like Finance, Compliance, Marketing, and many others. They can also include their level of competence based on a 5-star rating.
In addition, you can add required skills and competence levels when setting up a job post. This allows for easier matching since only candidates that meet these requirements can apply for the role.
Add Video Content to Jobs and Templates
You can now add video content to each job to describe the role and your company.
This is a great way to present key benefits and other relevant information without writing everything out. Long blocks of text are often discouraging to candidates and so a video can improve your applicant conversion rates.
In addition, we launched our Unsplash integration so you can create beautiful and descriptive job posts without downloading and uploading images manually.
All-new Candidate Onboarding
It’s now easier than ever for candidates to sign up and complete their SeeMeHired profile. This creates an even bigger talent pool within SeeMeHired while keeping the quality of applications high.
The new candidate onboarding includes multiple UX/UI improvements and step-by-step explainer videos along the way.
For candidates, the new onboarding experience removes a lot of friction and it’s now much faster to set up a compelling profile that attracts interest from companies.
For example, candidates can now upload their CV and we'll automatically populate their SeeMeHired profile.
What’s next?
This was a quick look at our top new features from the past 12 months.
So what’s next?
Our product roadmap for 2021 includes big improvements such as:
- Internal recruitment: make positions available only to current employees.
- E-Signing: Sign employment contracts electronically in SeeMeHired.
- Right to Work: Conduct background employment checks in SeeMeHired.
We’ll continue to develop the SeeMeHired platform in line with your feedback and the changing landscape of work.
We hope these new additions will streamline the way you hire and transform recruitment at your company for good.